Oldfield Partners is a classic value investment specialist that seeks to provide long-term returns through patient investing.

Value investing

We are classic value investors. Value investing is one of the oldest approaches to investing in equities and can trace its roots back for nearly 100 years, back to investing legends such as Benjamin Graham, John Templeton and Warren Buffett.

Evolution of the value investment philosophy has led to distinct value investment styles that can deliver different investor outcomes.

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The Oldfield Partners difference

A classic value investor should harness both deep analytical skills and common sense to identify undervalued stocks that are ‘bargains’. By its nature a ‘bargain’ is not permanent and not indicative of its potential future value.

We keep away from the market noise; concentrating on simple value investing with high conviction.

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Our investment approach

We have brought together an experienced, cohesive team who share a common philosophical commitment to patient, contrarian, value investing.

Our concentrated portfolios, with typically less than 25 stocks, provide among the highest levels of active share in the industry.

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Responsible Investment

As fundamental long-term investors, we consider it an important part of company analysis to assess corporate governance, as well as the management of social and environmental issues. This forms a part of our risk assessment of business fundamentals. Once invested, our stewardship efforts, through engagement and voting, support our long-term investment horizon.

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Our investment strategies

The firm manages several types of equity portfolio: global (including International All Cap Select Equities), global equity income, global smaller companies, and emerging markets. The strategies share the same investment philosophy based on contrarian bottom up stock selection and patience.

The Oldfield Partners team

Our investment team brings together decades of collective experience in value investing, consistently applied during market cycles. Our culture is investment-led and summed up in a few words: collegiate, supportive, founded on intellectual curiosity and focussed on long term results.

Meet the team